Tuning Forks - Singing Bowls - Vibrational Healing Tools For Transformation
Tuning fork therapy: standard or weighted, made in the USA

Tuning Forks

We carry over 100 tuning forks and sets, in both standard and weighted. Our forks are made in the USA from lead-free, heat-treated, wrought aluminum alloy. This material was chosen for its excellent sound wave conductivity, strength, and lightweight nature.

In addition, our forks have longer handles and shorter tines, keeping everything in perfect balance. Every fork is hand-tuned to assure vibration accuracy within .25% Hz. Because the metal is heat-treated, it is tempered, making it very strong. It will not fatigue and the forks will maintain an accurate frequency over the years. Each fork or set comes with a stylish velvet pouch for easy mobility and storage.

All of our forks are high-quality tools, individually made to exacting standards for the best outcome when used for tuning fork therapy.

If you are a beginner and wish to learn more about tuning fork therapy, one of our customers developed a series of online courses for different forks and sets. Follow the link to his site for basic instruction in how to use a tuning fork and do a basic 7 Chakra Healing: Online Tuning Fork Courses

Read here to learn about the difference between STD (unweighted) forks and WTD (weighted) forks: Standard vs Weighted.

To learn more about aluminum alloys and how quality tuning forks differ from those made in China, Pakistan, India, and other countries, read this short article: Tuning Fork Difference.

We now also offer Crystal & Gem Feet that fit all of our tuning forks. To order, visit the Gem Feet Page.

If you have additional questions about our products or services, please see our FAQ below.

Search Tuning Forks by Name or Frequency

Search Tuning Forks by Name or Frequency

Tuning Fork Accessories

Small Rubber Activator

Large Rubber Activator

Small Rubber Mallet

Small Wooden Mallet

Large Rubber Mallet

Pro Leg Activator

3 Colored Chakra Balls

9 Colored Chakra Balls

432 Harmonic Chakra Sets

432 Harmonic Chakra Set STD

432 Harmonic Chakra Set WTD

432 Fork STD

432 Fork WTD

Angel & Crystal Tuners

Angel Tuners

Crystal Tuner

Body Tuners

C512 & A432 Tuning Forks STD

D & A Tuning Forks STD

D & A Tuning Forks WTD

D & A432 Tuning Forks STD

D & A# / Phi Ratio Tuning Forks STD

D & A# / Phi Ratio Tuning Forks WTD

Yin/Yang C-G Body Tuners STD

Yin/Yang C-G Body Tuners WTD

Brain Tuners

Brain Tuners STD

Brain Tuners WTD

Gamma Fork WTD

Chakra Forks & Sets

7 Chakra Tuning Fork Set STD

7 Chakra Tuning Fork Set WTD

8 Chakra Tuning Fork Set STD

8 Chakra Tuning Fork Set WTD

9 Chakra Tuning Fork Set STD

9 Chakra Tuning Fork Set WTD

Earth Star Tuning Fork STD

Earth Star Tuning Fork WTD

Soul Star Tuning Fork STD

Soul Star Tuning Fork WT

Colorpuncture Forks

Colorpuncture Set of 7

Colorpuncture IR Fork

Colorpuncture UV Fork

Custom Individual Forks

Individual STD Fork

Individual WTD Fork < 60 Hz

Individual WTD Fork > 60 Hz

Endocrine Tuning Forks

Endocrine Set STD

Endocrine Set WTD

Fibonacci Tuning Forks

Fibonacci Set STD

Fibonacci Set WTD

Fibonacci Add-On Set STD

Fibonacci Add-On Set WTD

Human Organ Tuning Forks

110 Hz Stomach Fork STD

110 Hz Stomach Fork WTD

Cellulite Reduction Forks STD

Cellulite Reduction Forks WTD

Energy Practitioner Set

Human Organ Tuners STD

Human Organ Tuners WTD

Kabbalah Tuning Forks

Genesis Tuning Fork STD

Genesis Tuning Fork WTD

I Am That I Am Fork STD

Kabbalah Tree of Life Set

Meridian Forks

Meridian Set STD

Meridian Set WTD

Blood Circulation™ Fork STD

Blood Circulation™ Fork WTD

Circulation/Pericardium™ Fork

Dan Tien™ Fork STD

Dan Tien™ Fork WTD

Qi Activation™ Fork STD

Qi Activation™ Fork WTD

Mineral Tuning Forks

Mineral Set STD

Mineral Set WTD

Nerve & Bone Forks

Bone Set WTD

Nerve Fork Standard

Nerve Fork Weighted

Nucleotide Forks

DNA Nucleotide Forks

Om / Ohm Forks

Om 1 / Bone Om™ Tuning Fork WTD

Om 2 / Low Om / Earth Star STD

Om 2 / Low Om / Earth Star WTD

Om 3 / Middle Om Tuning Fork STD

Om 3 / Middle Om Tuning Fork WTD

Om 4 / High Om / Soul Star STD

Om 4 / High Om / Soul Star WTD

Om 5 / Ultra High Om™ Fork STD

Om 6 / Sensory Om™ Fork STD

Otto Tuning Forks

Otto Tuner 32 Hz

Otto Tuner 64 Hz

Otto Tuner 128 hz

Ozone / Oxygen Fork

Ozone / Oxygen Tuning Fork WTD

Pineal Activation Fork

Pineal Activation Fork

Planetary Forks & Sets

Mars/Venus Set STD

Mars/Venus Set WTD

Planetary Set STD

Planetary Set WTD

Rife Frequencies

727 Hz Tuning Fork STD

Rife Set STD - The Big Four

Reference Forks

432 Tuning Fork STD

432 Tuning Fork WTD

440 Tuning Fork STD

444 Tuning Fork STD

444 Tuning Fork WTD

Schumann Forks

Schumann Resonance Set

Solar Harmonic Spectrum Forks

Higher Heart STD

Sharp Set STD

Sharp Set WTD

Solar Harmonic Spectrum Set STD

Solar Harmonic Spectrum Set WTD

Solfeggio Forks and Sets

174 Hz Fork - EA

528 Hz DNA Repair Tuning Fork

Angel Solfeggio - Missing 3

Angel Solfeggio Set of 6

Angel Solfeggio Set of 9

Body Solfeggio - Missing 3 WTD

Body Solfeggio Set of 6 WTD

Body Solfeggio Set of 9 WTD

Inverse Solfeggio Mirrors

Original Solfeggio - Missing 3

Original Solfeggio Set of 6

Original Solfeggio Set of 9

Ut Fork

Triple Number Tuning Forks

111 Hz WTD Fork

333 Hz Joy Fork

666 Hz Pain Fork

999 Hz Energy Fork

Trilogy Set™ of 3

Triple Number Set of 9

YHVH - The God Fork

YHVH - The God Fork

Tuning Fork: 50 Hz Nerve Fork WTD, weighted
Nerve Fork WTD
Tuning Fork: Om 1, Bone Om™ weighted fork
Om 1 / Bone Om™ Tuning Fork WTD
Tuning Fork: Om 2, Earth Star WTD unweighted fork
Om 2 / Low Om / Earth Star STD
Tuning Fork: Om 2, Earth Star WTD weighted fork
Om 2 / Low Om / Earth Star WTD
Tuning Fork: Om 3, Middle Om STD, unweighted fork
Om 3 / Middle Om Tuning Fork STD
Tuning Fork: Om 3, Middle Om WTD, weighted fork
Om 3 / Middle Om Tuning Fork WTD
Tuning Fork: Om 4, Soul Star, High Om STD, unweighted fork
Om 4 / High Om / Soul Star STD
Tuning Fork: Om 4, Soul Star, High Om WTD, weighted fork
Om 4 / High Om / Soul Star WTD
Tuning Fork: Om 5, Ultra High Om™ STD, unweighted fork
Om 5 / Ultra High Om™ Tuning Fork STD
Tuning Fork: Om 6, Sensory Om™ STD, unweighted fork
Om 6 / Sensory Om™ Tuning Fork STD
Tuning Fork Set: Solfeggio Set of 3
Original Solfeggio - Missing 3
Tuning Fork Set: Solfeggio Set of 6
Original Solfeggio Set of 6
Tuning Fork Set: Solfeggio Set of 9
Original Solfeggio Set of 9 w/Activator
Tuning Fork: Otto 128 hz Tuner
Otto Tuner 128 Hz
Tuning Fork: Otto 32 hz Tuner
Otto Tuner 32 Hz
Tuning Fork: Otto 64 hz Tuner
Otto Tuner 64 hz
Tuning Fork: Ozone/Oxygen Fork
Ozone / Oxygen Tuning Fork WTD
Tuning Fork: Pain Fork
Pain Fork
Tuning Fork: Pineal Activation Fork
Pineal Activation Fork w/Activator
Tuning Fork Set: Planetary Tuners STD, unweighted
Planetary Set STD w/Activator
Tuning Fork Set: Planetary Tuners WTD, weighted
Planetary Set WTD w/Activator
Tuning Fork Accessories: Pro Leg Activator
Pro Leg Activator
Tuning Fork: Qi Activation™ Fork STD, unweighted
Qi Activation™ Tuning Fork STD
Tuning Fork: Qi Activation™ Fork WTD, weighted
Qi Activation™ Tuning Fork WTD
Tuning Forks: Rife Set, 727, 787, 800 880 Hz
Rife Set
Tuning Forks: Schumann Resonance Set
Schumann Resonance Set
Tuning Fork Set: Sharps Set STD - C#, D#, F#, G#, A#
Sharp Set STD
Tuning Fork Set: Sharps Set WTD - C#, D#, F#, G#, A#
Sharp Set WTD
Tuning Fork Accessories: Small Rubber Activator
Small Rubber Activator
Tuning Fork Accessories: Small Rubber Mallet
Small Rubber Mallet
Tuning Fork Accessories: Small Wooden Mallet
Small Wooden Mallet
Tuning Fork Sets: Solar Harmonic Spectrum Set STD, unweighted
Solar Harmonic Set STD w/Activator
Tuning Fork Sets: Solar Harmonic Spectrum Set STD, unweighted
Solar Harmonic Set WTD w/Activator
Tuning Fork: Soul Star, Om 4, STD unweighted
Soul Star Tuning Fork STD
Tuning Fork: Soul Star, Om 4, weighted
Soul Star Tuning Fork WTD
Tuning Fork Sets: Trilogy™ Set - 333, 666, 999 Hz
Trilogy™ Set
Tuning Fork Sets: Triple Number Set
Triple Number Set w/Activator
Tuning Fork: Solfeggio UT Fork
Ut Fork
Tuning Fork: YHVH - The God Fork
YHVH - The God Fork
Tuning Forks: Yin/Yang Body Tuners C&G STD, unweighted
Yin/Yang C-G Body Tuners STD
Tuning Forks: Yin/Yang Body Tuners C&G WTD, weighted
Yin/Yang C-G Body Tuners WTD

Tuning Forks FAQs

Here are answers to common questions about tuning forks. If we don’t answer all of your questions here, please contact us.

What is a tuning fork and its function?

Tuning forks are sound resonators with a wide range of uses, from tuning musical instruments to applications in medicine and alternative therapy. In sound healing, also known as sound therapy or vibrational medicine, the goal is to balance and align energy in the body using tuned tuning forks, gongs, cymbals, chimes, singing bowls, and other instruments.

What are the two types of tuning forks?

There are numerous varieties of tuning forks, but they can be divided into two main types – weighted and unweighted. Weighted tuning forks have a weight attached to the prongs, while unweighted or standard tuning forks do not.

How to use tuning forks for healing?

When a user taps the fork on a rubber activator or strikes a tine with a rubber hammer or mallet, a tuning fork resonates with specific frequencies. For example, planetary tuning forks, such as the Planetary Set STD, are designed to resonate at the same wave pattern of corresponding planets. The tuning fork is then held against various parts of the body for the purposes of healing or symptom alleviation.

At Sacred Waves, we carry three different types of mallets:
Small rubber - For high frequency forks like the Angel Tuner and Crystal Tuner
Large rubber - For all other frequencies
Wooden - For mid-range unweighted forks

Additionally, we carry two sizes of rubber activators, small and large. They are the precise density to initiate the sound without interfering with it. Hockey pucks are sometimes used as activators, but they are too hard so we don’t recommend them.

Do doctors use tuning forks?

Doctors use tuning forks in neurological exams to diagnose various conditions, such as peripheral neuropathy, by testing the patient’s ability to sense vibrations. Doctors also use them to identify small bone fractures through the feedback from the vibrations.

What is Otto 128 Hz good for?

In sound therapy sessions, the 128 Hz frequency is used to reduce joint and muscle pain and increase mobility. For example, the Otto Tuner 128 Hz, can be used around bothersome areas.

How long does it take to get a tuning fork?

For domestic orders within the USA, it generally takes two to four days from checkout to delivery. For international orders, it can take four to seven days, depending on which service is used. For example, Canada often ships with UPS Standard while Europe always ships with UPS Expedited.

For tuning forks, we ship via Priority Mail or Ground Advantage for domestic orders and UPS for all international orders, with a tracking number and insurance.

We’ll send you a tracking number so you can monitor the progress of your order.

For more information about domestic and international shipping, click here.

How much does a tuning fork cost?

Individual tuning forks start at a sale price of $38 USD, and weighted tuning forks generally cost more than their unweighted counterparts. The 110 Hz Tuning Fork STD, for example, is $38 USD while the weighted variety is $48 USD.

Tuning fork sets range in price due to the number of forks in the set and other factors. For example, the Planetary Set WTD is $399 USD for a set of 11 forks, and its unweighted counterpart is $199.

Standard or Weighted?

If you're unsure about the different uses for standard and weighted tuning forks, we're here to help!
Learn More

About Our Tuning Forks

Made in the USA, see, feel and hear why our tuning forks are different!
Know the Difference!

Custom Tuning Forks

Are you wanting a frequency that you don't see anywhere on the site? Let us know - we can make forks from 25 Hz to 8000 Hz!
Contact Us

Thanks for the quick replies and shipping. I'm really happy with my purchase. I LOVE the tuning forks! My clients have been really enjoying the sessions in which I've been incorporating them.
