Tuning Forks - Singing Bowls - Vibrational Healing Tools For Transformation
A chakra notes chart with an illustration of chakra locations on the body alongside a table detailing energy centers, locations, elements, associated issues, colors, corresponding rights, and musical notes.

Chakra Map

Practitioners of chakra healing or energy healing use chakra charts as a visual tool to map out the chakra system. Some charts consist of the main seven chakras that originate from Sanskrit teachings. However, many visual tools, such as the chakra maps you can download here, include additional chakras to reflect expanded interpretations.

Each chakra or energy center has both physical and emotional associations that practitioners use to promote well-being and guide self-care practices.

Here’s a detailed beginner’s guide that covers each of the major chakras, including the chakra location and associations. The musical chakra notes listed with these energy points correlate to singing bowls used in sound healing.

1. Root (Muladhara)

Located in the base of the spine, the root chakra is associated with the earth and physical needs. It is described as being red and connected to the right to have. C is the musical note connected to the root chakra.

2. Sacral (Svadhisthana)

The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is connected to water, sexuality and emotions, the color orange, and the right to feel. The musical note connected to the sacral chakra is D.

3. Solar Plexus (Manipura)

This chakra is located in the solar plexus. It’s associated with fire, power, and vitality. It’s described as having a yellow color and being connected to the right to act. E is the note correlated with the solar plexus chakra.

4. Heart (Anahata)

The heart chakra, located in the heart area, is associated with the element of air. It’s connected to love, the color green, and the right to love. The chakra note connected to this energy point is F.

5. Throat (Vishuddha)

The throat chakra is located in the throat, associated with the element sound, communication, and the color blue. It also correlates with the right to speak and the note G.

6. Third Eye (Ajna)

The third eye chakra is located in the brow and is associated with the element of light, intuition, the color indigo, and the right to see. The musical note that correlates with this chakra is A.

7. Crown (Sahasrara)

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with thought. It’s also associated with understanding, the color violet, and the right to know. B is the musical note that correlates with this chakra.

8. Soul (Higher Chakras)

The eighth chakra, soul, is not traditionally part of the seven main chakras. It’s located above the head and is associated with spirit, purpose, the color white, and the right to live. It’s often associated with the high C musical note.

Additional Energy Points

Some chakra sound charts describe additional chakra energy points. Here’s a brief list of these and the musical notes they’re often associated with. See our downloadable charts for more:

  • Pineal: A#
  • Zeal Point: D#
  • Thymus: F#
  • Duality: D#
  • Sexual: C#

Click to Download

Chakra Map FAQ

Here are answers to common questions about chakra maps. If we don’t answer your questions here, please contact us.

How do you know if a chakra is blocked?

Chakra theory practitioners point to several indications that a chakra is blocked, such as localized physical discomfort, pain, or numbness, or a feeling of heaviness in the body. Likewise, they may point to emotional symptoms such as feelings of insecurity, anxiety, or fear.

What is chakra mapping?

A chakra chart seeks to explain the location, associations, and energy vibrations of the seven main chakras, as well as the soul star, above the head. Each chakra indicates an intersection of the body and consciousness.

What emotion blocks each chakra?

In chakra theory, each of the seven main energy centers is associated with a specific form of emotional pain that may cause a blockage. Here’s a list of “shadow emotions” associated with each chakra that must be addressed to restore energy flow:

  1. Root: Fear
  2. Sacral: Guilt
  3. Solar Plexus: Shame
  4. Heart: Grief
  5. Throat: Lies
  6. Third Eye: Illusion
  7. Crown: Attachment

How do you unblock chakras?

There are numerous methods in chakra theory for resolving blockages and restoring energy flow. Sound healing, such as the use of tuning forks and singing bowls, is often used by practitioners. Other chakra balancing practices include reciting mantras or affirmations, meditating, performing specific yoga poses, and using essential oils for aromatherapy.

How long does it take to get a singing bowl?

For domestic orders within the USA, it generally takes three to seven days from checkout to delivery to receive any item in our store, which also includes pendulums, tuning forks, and malas. For international orders, it can take four to 10 days, depending on which service is used. For example, Canada often ships with UPS Standard while Europe always ships with UPS Expedited.

For singing bowls, we ship via UPS, Priority Mail, or Ground Advantage for domestic orders and UPS for all international orders, with a tracking number and insurance.

We’ll send you a tracking number so you can monitor the progress of your order.
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